WordPress - WooCommerce


CedCommerce, ManoMano Integration For WooCommerce

Request API credentials from ManoMano (by email to support.technique@manomano.com). Enter these credentials in two places:

  1. CedCommerce, Manomano, Add Account:

  1. CedCommerce, Manomano, Configure, SETTINGS, ORDER CONFIGURATION:



06/07/2022, WhatsApp conversation with CED tech support, Do we enter the API credentials into both?: Please use API credentials, As api credentials needed to fetch order from manomano. Yes as due to password get changed.


Setting up your WooCommerce store via FTP

  • Only an administrator can disable a channel.


We are using the Flatsome theme…

To edit the theme, browse to the WordPress Dashboard.

WooCommerce includes several Widgets

The filtering for WooCommerce products is configured in two places:

  • Appearance, Widgets.

  • Flatsome, Theme Options, Widgets, Shop Sidebar


If the Shop Sidebar isn’t included in the list (e.g. you only see Footer 1 and Footer 2), then browse to a product category page and it should appear!!


For details on adding Sidebar Widgets, see WooCommerce Lesson #14. How to Use WooCommerce Sidebar Widgets



Also see Products - CSV (below)…


WooCommerce documentation, Product attributes

Products , Attributes, Add new attribute

After creating the attribute, Configure terms


Attributes have fixed selection of terms, so are not useful for product specific data e.g. rack location in a warehouse.

To set the attribute, edit a product, select Product data, Attributes, select your new Custom product attribute and select a term e.g.



To remove pagination, Dashboard, Appearance, Customize, WooCommerce, Product Catalog, set Rows per page to 0:


For more information, see Ticket 5897


Are created in a similar way to Attributes, and are linked to a product. Tags do not have a value.

Products - CSV


Also see Products (above)…


From WooCommerce, Product CSV Importer and Exporter, If possible, avoid Microsoft Excel due to formatting and character encoding issues.

Import / export options are at the top of the Products page:


Import Products

Columns required in CSV file:

  • Type (e.g. Simple)

  • Categories (e.g. THE 80s)

  • SKU (e.g. ABC2024V)

  • Description (e.g. Green T Shirt)

  • Regular price (e.g. £87.99 – this is the RRP including VAT)

  • Sale price (e.g. £79.99 – this is the PROMO including VAT)

  • EAN (e.g. 123450000000 – this is the barcode)

Import process summary:

  • Login as admin.

  • Sidebar => Products.

  • ‘Import’ button.

  • Choose file (CSV).

  • Either:

  • Tick the checkbox to update existing products and not create new products.

  • Untick the checkbox to create new products and not update existing products.

  • ‘Continue’ button.

  • As long as column headings match the list above, the mapping will be automatically set.

  • ‘Run the importer’ button.

Import Cost Price Updates


From WooCommerce, Product CSV Importer and Exporter, If possible, avoid Microsoft Excel due to formatting and character encoding issues.


This process creates custom fields and is not restricted to cost prices. A custom field is created by adding a prefix of ‘meta:’ before your column heading, e.g. meta:cost_price.

Columns required in CSV file:

  • SKU (e.g. AB1234HIJK)

  • meta:cost_price (e.g. 1579.94)

Import process is as above but ensure that the checkbox to update existing products is ticked.


  1. Would you update this? Might the theme need updating as well?

You have version 5.0.3 installed. Update to 6.3.1. View version 6.3.1 details. Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2: 100% (according to its author)



Widgets included with WooCommerce https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-widgets/

One of these is, Filter Products by Attribute which will Display a list of attributes to filter products in your store.