WordPress - Plugins
Also see WordPress - WooCommerce for WooCommerce plugins.
My Private Site
My Private Site Getting Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bW88-4BlF4
MC4WP - Mailchimp Plugin
This is a plugin to intergrate mailchimp with WordPress
Simply install the plugin, visit your mailchimp account
Grab an API key from accounts/api
Then post the api key into the mailchip settings on the wordpress dashboard
You should then get a mailing list in your forms across wordpress with the name of what account you’ve chosen
Simply select that list and any email you sign up with will be added onto that list.
Yoast SEO
Post to Facebook
This is a fantastic video which explains everything: Facebook Preview – Posting Links Correctly (using Yoast SEO and Facebook Debugger)
Check the site configuration in SEO, Social - Yoast SEO:
Facebook Page URL
On the Facebook tab, check Open Graph meta data is enabled.
WordPress Post
Fill in all the Facebook information on the post (including the Facebook description)
Publish the post (before posting to Facebook).
Get the URL of the post by browsing to the page on the website or copying the permalink at the top of the post.
Create a new post in Facebook and paste in the URL.
If you have any issues, post the URL into the Facebook, Sharing Debugger: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/