Salt - Provision

After following the Salt Cloud - Install instructions to create your server… you will want to use Salt to set it up…


Log into the new server as root using the IP address:

sudo -i -u root
ssh the.server.ip.address

Install the Salt minion:

apt install salt-minion

Find the IP address of your master (in this example, Edit the hosts file:

vim /etc/hosts

Add the IP address of your master: salt


If your server is going to be a master, then the master IP address will be

Restart the minion:

systemctl restart salt-minion.service

Log into your Salt Master as yourself (make sure you exit the root session from the previous step). Accept the key for the new minion and make sure the minion is receiving requests:

sudo -i -u root

salt-key -L
salt-key -a drop-temp

salt '*'


drop-temp is the hostname of your new minion.

If your minion doesn’t respond, you can check it’s log file (on the new minion):

tail -f /var/log/salt/minion

Staying logged into the master as root and apply the configuration to the minion:

cd /srv/salt/
salt 'drop-temp' state.apply --state-verbose=False


Make sure the Salt pillar is configured correctly for the new server.


Check that the latest Salt configuration and the pillar data are on the master.

Your new server should now be provisioned. If your pillar file contained a list of users, they should have been created.

You might like to add the server to your ssh configuration file e.g:

vim ~/.ssh/config

Host drop-temp
    Compression yes

If your pillar file contained a site, then click here for instructions on getting started: Database