

The compose app is part of our super simple CMS site which can be cloned from here:

The compose app extends the block app and allows an administrator to create new pages and sections.


The block and compose apps supports ordering of blocks on the master branch.

Older projects which have not been converted to use ordering, must use the 962-legacy-block-order branch.


To use the predefined content models in the compose app, add the following to project/



See the template in compose/page_article.html. This is used by the home page of the example app.


Provides a page section with a title, description and a picture

See the template compose/page_feature.html (this uses the compose/_event_feature.html snippet which displays events using the feature block).

This page is not created when the example_cms app is initialised so you need to log in to the example_cms app as admin and follow this procedure to configure it.


Please note this page also uses a header block so you need to configure it (see the section below).

Create a section (Dashboard | Section):

Name          Feature A
Slug          feature_a
Block app     compose
Block model   Feature
Create url    compose.feature.create

Create a template called compose/page_feature.html (Dashboard | Template). Add the Feature A section created above.

Create a Feature style called Event css class event (Settings | Feature Styles)

Create a page that uses the page_feature template (Dashboard | Create Page)

You can now manage the content on this page using design mode.

News (including Twitter)

To add the news section to the article template…

Add humanize to DJANGO_APPS:


Add the news section to the article template: init_app_compose_news

Override the view where you want to display the news and Twitter feed. Return your twitter user name e.g:

from block.views import (

class CmsHomePageView(CmsMixin, PageTemplateView):

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        return context


Template snippets useful with panels:

  • _contact_details.html - use an article to display contact details

  • _map_section.html - display a map section

  • _navigation.html - display a menu defined in Menuitem model

  • _panel.html - display a panel calling snippets defined in Section model

  • _panel_contact.html - display a panel which also contains a contact form

  • _slideshow.html - display a bxslider slideshow

  • base_company.html - base template that can be extended for a company site (extends base_generic.html).

  • base_generic.html - define a basic site

For more information, see Commit - Add template snippets.