Microsoft Graph



  1. Configure Settings (register your application in Azure)

  2. Add MSGRAPH_GROUP_NAME_TO_SYNC to settings/


This is the name of the group e.g. kbuk in this screenshot:



Click here for Microsoft Graph error responses and resource types

Here is an example error:

format 500: The operation has timed out. ('generalException')

The Microsoft Graph error responses and resource types says generalException, An unspecified error has occurred.

Management Commands

To see if the Graph API is working:

django-admin microsoft-graph-user

To run update_microsoft_graph_users (from msgraph.service):

django-admin update-microsoft-graph-users

The update-microsoft-graph-users management command will:

  1. Retrieve all users from the Graph API

  2. Select the list of users to synchronise by finding the members of the Active Directory group (settings.MSGRAPH_GROUP_NAME_TO_SYNC).

  3. Add the users to the MicrosoftGraphUser model.

  4. If a user has been removed from Active Directory, then the MicrosoftGraphUser record will be soft-deleted.

  5. Retrieve all user managers from the Graph API

  6. Add the managers to the MicrosoftGraphUserSupervisor model.

To download the Microsoft Graph users to a CSV file:

django-admin microsoft-graph-users-as-csv

To download the Microsoft Graph groups to a CSV file:

django-admin microsoft-graph-groups-as-csv


Paging Microsoft Graph data in your app

Example diff


urlpatterns = [
    url(regex=r"^microsoft/graph/", view=include("msgraph.urls")),

Template (Settings)

{% block content %}
  <div class="pure-g">
    {% include 'msgraph/_settings.html' %}
{% endblock content %}


  1. Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform

    e.g. for an app called ticket-3597-v1:

_images/msgraph-overview.png _images/msgraph-redirect-uris.png
  1. Under the applications API permissions page, choose Add a permission, select Microsoft Graph, and then choose the permissions your app requires under Application permissions:



The User.Read permission does not need to be selected. It is automatically Delegated when you select User.ReadWrite.


If you change permissions, users and/or admins will have to consent even if they have done so previously.


19/08/2021, The group permissions were added to allow us to Sync user permissions from Active Directory.

  1. Under the applications Certificates & secrets page in the Client secrets section, create a New client secret:



I think you only get a single chance to copy this secret!

  1. Copy the Application (client) ID to and client secret to your environment e.g:

    # .private
    set -x MSGRAPH_APPLICATION_ID "6731de76-14a6-4931de76-14a6-49ae"
    set -x MSGRAPH_CLIENT_SECRET "the-client-secret"
  2. Browse to Settings, Microsoft Graph, Get Consent

  1. Make a note of the Redirect URI for the next step:

  1. Under the applications Authentication page in the Redirect URIs section, set the redirect URI for your web site.



The Redirect URI is displayed on your web site under Settings, Microsoft Graph, Get Consent.